In his epic work ‘The Art of War,’ Sun Tzu famously declared, “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” This age-old wisdom holds true for both the battlefield and the competitive business world. Just like a well-executed military operation, successful business strategies demand a three-pronged approach: balancing the short and the long-term, the ability to make strategic trade-offs and possessing the agility to adapt to disruptive market forces.
In the face of relentless globalisation, technological disruption and ever-shifting geopolitical realities, businesses seek leaders with a sharper strategic edge. Recognising this need for leaders who can navigate complex challenges and capitalise on emerging opportunities, IIM Calcutta offers the Advanced Programme in Strategic Management for Corporate Leaders (APSMCL). This eight-month live online executive education programme recognises the critical importance of well-formulated and well-executed strategies in achieving organisational success.