Most customers have experienced sub optimal experiences of Meetings in Open Offices due to significant increase in noise Levels as well as spikes in bandwidth utilization, resulting in patchy audio and video. Leading to participants shut down which further results in stress of trying to listen in a noisy environment and Participants shut Videos in a Video Conference and connect only in audio watching black screens. Our Experience based on Feedback from Customers is that Connecting individual on Cloud VC Platforms results in general chaos in open offices hence it is necessary to use VC Rooms for Teams and Group Meetings. VCnow being a Service Provider is agnostic to any specific OEM or Cloud Service Provider. We embrace and partner with all Leading Brands and Cloud VC Service Providers.
VCNow is authorised partner for the following Licenses for MS Teams, Zoom, WebEx, BlueJeans, GoogleMeet etc.
- Cloud VC User Licenses – Zoom One Meeting and Event Licenses
- MS Teams CVI Licenses – Cloud Video Interop
- Calendar & One Touch Dial – Licenses
- Cloud VC User Licenses – Zoom One Meeting and Event Licenses
- Zoom CRC Licenses – Cloud Room Connector
License for Connecting Video Conference Room Equipment to Google Meet
- Cloud VC User Licenses – GMeet Licenses
- GMeet CVI Licenses – Cloud Video Interop
- Calendar & One Touch Dial – Licenses
User Licenses for Webex Meeting and Event
User Licenses for Bluejeans Meeting and Event
Calendaring & Scheduling
We understand how frustrating it is to block VC Rooms manually and keep track of the same. It is equally frustrating and impolite to request fellow employees to vacate a meeting for a VC which also results in conflicts during time over runs. VCNow provides Automation through Calendaring & Scheduling services for Blocking Rooms and Resources. It reduces the hassle of separately manually blocking rooms resources thus minimizing time over run and scheduling conflicts.
One Touch Dial (OTD) Integration Services
Most VC users often find it hard and difficult to dial a long text url from a VC Room System– One Touch Dial integration allows users to just walk into the Conference Room and Connect by Clicking on the Connect or Dial Button on the Remote, thus reducing dependencies of calling IT or VC Support Engineers, or remembering long winding complex urls to dial from a VC Room system
Private VC Cloud
Your Own Secure New Age VC Cloud– AMPLIFY FORTIFY MULTIPLY SIMPLIFY your infrastructure with an all-in-one license. The Dual Benefit of having your own Secure VC Cloud Infra middleware with the additional ability to Connect Securely and Seamlessly to other Cloud VC Platforms
Providing you a complete Management Suite, One Touch Join, Remote Management Control Panel, Remote End Point Management including Software update, Security, Distributed Architecture, Robust infra Long term Support and scalability, 3 year AMC, Multi Cloud VC Support, All in One Bridge with ability to connect everybody everywhere through H.323, SIP as well as web RTC devices. Secure MS Teams Express Connector if deployed on Microsoft Azure Cloud, extends your Enterprise Network to Azure to MS Teams bypassing the internet cloud, if deployment on Pexip Infinity platform.
Pexip VC Cloud
The Pexip infrastructure offers several key advantages and features for your existing setup:
What is a Cloud VC Service?
Unlike in the past, when meetings and conferences took place, it required the collaboration of the telecom, admin, and premises teams to make it possible. Installation could take a long time and software was expensive. These meetings were locally hosted on an organisation’s servers and hardware and required companies to either ensure that they had the team in place or hire this service.
Think of it like this. Cloud VC is like a SaaS platform where you need to connect to a service on the cloud that allows you to use your devices like laptops/phones/tablets to connect to another meeting attendee who is on the same services. All meeting guests need to be logged into the same platform via cloud. E.g. Teams Meeting, Zoom or Google Meet etc. Each Meeting software comes with it’s own set of features that make it preferrable to an group to opt for a specific Cloud meeting solution.
What kind of Cloud VC services does VCNow support?
VCNow is authorized partner for the following licenses for MS Teams, Zoom, Cisco WebEx, BlueJeans, Google Meet etc. We also have onboarded ]pexip[ video technology solutions that can take your meetings to the next level.
VCnow, however, being a Service Provider is agnostic to any specific OEM or Cloud Service Provider. We embrace and partner with all Leading Brands and Cloud VC Service Providers, to meet our client’s needs.